Thursday, 19 December 2013

One Step Closer

~ Linkin Park ~
Do you ever stop & listen to the way you talk to yourself in the mirror?  How would you feel if someone else said that to you? Would you tolerate someone else speaking to you like that [and seriously, if you do allow people to talk to you like that we have a whole new problem to deal with...]. But back to the original topic - do you realize how many times you speak negatively about yourself? [Actually, Tam wrote a beautiful article about it]
Some days I can't look in the mirror without thinking I'm to heavy, I'm to big, it's soft & jiggly where I don't want it to be, too short, too tall, too hairy, too white, [enter your own gripe].  I know it's easier said then done, but shouldn't we stop seeing the "imperfections" and start appreciating our bodies for all the things that it can do? And not just that - stop comparing ourselves to everyone else?

I never looked like the girls in the magazines. I was a chubby kid who turned into a chubby teenager, and then discovered sport. I was termed "athletic" - isn't that just a nice way of saying fat?  It wasn’t until earlier this year when I found the right people (nutritionists, Crossfit, weightlifting & a support group) that my body started changing. And not only has my body started changing, it also changed how I felt about my body.  I'm more chuffed that I increased my front squat by 10kg's then reducing my weight by 1kg. I started to eat to give my body what it needs, not starving cause I wanted to be thin.
Weightlifting & Crossfit made me change my focus from losing weight to gaining strength.  Getting the right support group (online & at the Box) meant surrounding myself with strong women (and men) with similar goals. My body constantly surprises me by doing things that I've never thought possible. I would now love to be called "athletic", because I've seen athletic women & damn, if that's what it's called then give me some.

Andrea Ager, Christmas Abbott, Camille Leblanc-Bazinet
I love my body because:
  • no matter how badly I’ve treated it in the past, it still keeps going.
  • it's mine & I'm unique.
  • I can go & try a sport & be somewhat decent at it, without dying of stiffness the next day.
  • it's smart & it tells me when to rest, when to work, when to eat.
  • it has amazing taste buds that makes me open to try new food.
  • it can laugh till I cry & squeal from being out of breath.
  • it can front squat 87kg's, back squat 95kg's and dead lift a 110kg's.
  • it can be taught to do technical movements & practice truly does make perfect.
And most importantly, earlier this week was the first time in a very (if ever) long time that I was comfortable enough to walk around on the beach in just a bikini. I normally reserve this for home.  If anything has changed this year it has been how I see my body - healthy skinny is not going to happen overnight, the least I can do is love my body while it's working hard to get me to stronger & leaner.
Last night was probably my hardest workout to date. We did Grace, then another 30 Push Jerks, and then a chipper from hell:  200 double unders (or 400 single skips), 400m run, 150 double unders (or 300 single skips), 30 burpee pull-ups (did then without any assistance from a band - yay me!), 100 double unders (or 200 single skips), 20 overhead squats, 50 double unders (or 100 single skips). And even though I had the lowest score & only got to 19 burpee pull-ups before reaching the 20 minutes, I still worked just as hard as the guy next to me.
Zoom in - still drenched in sweat...
A lot of negative things have been said about the Crossfit community, and I thing we are truly blessed to have some amazing people at our box. Just to put it into context - Rich Froning (Crossfit Games Champion) can do Grace in less then 4:49 with 102kg. I did it in 7:30 with 40kg.  And by the time I hit the second set of 30 Push Jerks I had to do them 1 at a time. It was such an amazing feeling getting supported by all the guys that already finished, counting down with me, telling me to push & just to keep going.

Found some nice/tasty/pretty things over the weekend & even went down to the beach after work two days in a row. I don't normally slow down this time of year so that is something that I am trying to work on - taking a breath; otherwise you will be working your whole life away without enjoying the little moments.
Vovo Telo Rocket, Mushroom & Pecorino Pizza and Mint & Apple Slushie ~ Mexican Bola Charms make the most amazing fairy jingle ~ Christmas day dress ~ Cow fresh full cream strawberry yoghurt made right here in PE.
Food wise it's going well. I'm trying to keep it clean because I want the pretty dress to sit extra comfortable on Christmas day (it's been a Christmas tradition - a dress will be worn!)

Remember to follow K&C on Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest | Bloglovin

Take a breath people!

Friday, 13 December 2013

Writing in the Margins (Part 3)

~ Yep, you guessed it, still John Gorka ~

There are about 30 - 40 blogs that I follow on a regular basis.  These range from funny pictures of cats & cheezeburgers, fashion, crossfit & just normal people who have some amazing insights to life [I always think of this specific post on Aspects of Transformation - it's great cause it's true]. Trying to keep track of when a new post is out is like higher grade maths.  

Blog readers pretty much lump together your favorite blogs into one long email or web-based article. This makes blog reading less tedious (you don't have to browse to each of your fave blogs) as well as more discreet which is kinda necessary for those (like me) who do a little reading while at work.

This is where Bloglovin comes in. It gives bloggers their page views, you can comment directly on posts & it's the prettier one of the lot. It gives you little snapshots of posts from the main page and you can scroll through at your leisure.  And as I mentioned before, the best part of Bloglovin’ (from a blogger’s perspective) is that is still gives page view, so you can keep track of your readers' interests.

Create a profile, copy the address of the blog into the search box, and click follow. You'll then get notified via email whenever there is a new post - all under one email. Easy peasy. And even better: here you can get a list of all the SleekGirl (& some extras) blogs.
Now for the dark underbelly of blogging. There are a view things that make blogging a bitch, these are mine.

1. What is appropriate to share with everyone? I often don't know what is too personal.  Once something is on the Internet it's there forever. I'm quite happy for my close friends to know that I walk around without pants over the weekend, but do I want all my Facebook acquaintances to know this?  Or even prospective bosses?  On the other hand, once I get that squat-worthy ass it might actually help with the interview...

2. What I find interesting, inspiring or funny might be boring as hell or insensitive to someone else.

I'm sorry...but I did the coffee snort through nose thing when I saw this. I'm a bad person.

3. It takes time. Is that time better spent on Boyfriend (no, not on him...perhaps with), on my work, on our house, on filing the heap of paperwork behind the door? 

4.  Nothing inspired me today, so I'm writing about what I did at work (read blog posts, find things to do in Pamplona), what I cooked for dinner, or what color my favorite socks are. Not every posts has to be a masterpiece, I'm still a real person.
These, by the way...

5. It's 9:30pm, I'm still stinking from my awesome Crossfit session, we've just finished dishes & packing up tomorrow's food. I want to get a round of Battlefield in. I want to go sleep at a decent hour. Somedays I'm just to tired.

6. Other people's blogs. I read other blogs & immediately, I'm not half this witty/profound/creative. Thinking like that sucks - comparing yourself to someone or something else will never end good. Use others as inspiration, I'm different from you and that's what makes both of us unique.

I lifted 50kg above my head tonight with ground to overheads (i.e bar on floor - get it up over your head any way possible).  And when I tried 55kg,  all of a sudden logic kicked in and said: WTF are you doing? What if this falls? What if it snaps your wrists like twigs? 

It was the same with handstands - I would stand like an idiot with my hands in the air, looking at the spot on the floor, willing myself to throw my body over, crazy right? Your mind is your worst enemy. As soon as you start doubting yourself you are going to stagnate. And as long as your coach has taught you how to fail, you will not fall on your face or snap your wrist. Just harden the f*ck up & try it. Next time 55kg's, next time.

It's going good food wise, I hope this trend continues at least until Christmas day. I forgot to take photos of supper again, so here are some random Google stock images of the food I ate.

Remember to follow K&C on Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest | Bloglovin

Have an amazing weekend. And if you are finishing work today, I might be disliking (hate is a strong word) you a little bit at this moment...

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Writing in the Margins (Part 2)

~ still John Gorka ~ 
Continuing with yesterday's topic: Blogging. Blogging takes time, commitment, & discipline. I have to keep my ears open for topics, remind myself 3 bites into a meal that I have to take a photo of this, set aside time to look for very humorous pics relating to said topic (face it, we all know you are only here for the pictures) & then put it all together at the end of the day.  

Why do I blog? Simply because I enjoy it - it keeps me on track in my life journey.  It's my time, energy & view on all sorts of different thing, that I put on paper & then offer to the world to read.  It serves as my personal journal & a digital record of my life.  
One of the reasons I started this blog is so that I could go off on random curse-filled rants about things that are only important to me.  But somedays it's difficult - I feel that I should do more than just rant about a mad Christmas shoppers, I'm supposed to say Important Things & talk about Important Issues. But seriously, life isn't all doom & gloom & drama everyday. Somedays are just boring. I wake up, I work, I sleep. Guess what, you're still gonna hear about it.

A weird thing that happens when you blog is that you'll try to live a more intentional life.  Once you start writing about yourself & your journey & thoughts, you start thinking about who you are as a person & whether you like that person. Also, blogging will help you meet new people - whether through comments, Facebook or their own blogs.  So far the blogging community has been friendly, encouraging & genuinely cheering for me to succeed. I honestly love every comment, personal message or "like" that I receive - I find encouragement in that feedback.

And you realize quickly that even if just one person can relate to your journey you have something to offer. I'm in no way suggesting that my writing is exceptionally good to begin with and that it’s worth your time & effort to read, it's just nice to know that I might help someone with a question they've been struggling with or give inspiration where needed.

Tonight it was handstands, tuck-sits & snatches. Although my handstand time didn't increase, I now at least have the courage to kick up into a handstand position without the security of the wall behind my - i.e. I've got comfortable with falling. Tuck-sit I almost doubled (27 secs to 42 secs) and power snatches I increased from 17kg to 28kg. This is one movement with wich I struggle incredibly; a normal back/front squat is no problem, but as soon as you have to lock out that weight above you AND squat it becomes a problem.
Day 2 on the wagon - all is well.

Remember to follow K&C on Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest | Bloglovin

Go kick today's butt!

Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Writing in the Margins (Part 1)

~ John Gorka ~
It seems that blogging is becoming more & more popular everyday. There are various reasons you can start a blog: simply for fun, love of an actor or a hobby, a passion for ugly Renaissance babies...  Whatever the reason, one of the key factors to be successful is having a passion for your topic. 

When I started blogging I started to connect with like-minded people. I've received so many links to other wonderful blogs simply because I started blogging. It also lets you know that you are not the only one going through a particular struggle. But mostly I use it for myself, to keep myself accountable, to give myself an outlet, and to find weird shit on the Internet. Seriously, weird, weird shit.

Blogging teaches you to write, and you need to write well not to sound like an uneducated pleb, cause who will take you seriously if if you do?  I think daily writing can only make you a better communicator, as you are constantly putting your private thoughts to "paper".  And if you have confidence in your communication skills it can only filter through to other aspects of your life.  I've found that it makes it a bit easier to socialize with people & to express my thoughts.
It also makes you do research on your topic. You know last week when I gave you some info on the Crossfit moves we were doing?  I didn't know half of that before writing the evening's post. Google becomes your research friend. Fellow bloggers become your inspiration. Mrs Prava becomes your cookbook.  Butternut & Bacon? Yes, please!

I've also found that I start to jot down notes during the day, or just bullets of topics I want to focus on. Normally I'm all over the show - jumping from one idea to the other like there's no tomorrow [Ask me about my attention deficit disorder or pie or my cat. A dog. I have a bike. Do you like tv? I saw a rock. Hi.] - so this aspect has really helped me to keep on topic. Most of the times. Sometimes.

Tonight & tomorrow I'll be continuing this post:  what I've found awesome about blogging, reasons blogging sucks some nights & how to keep track of all the spectacular ones out there.

Last night was Event 3's re-testing for the in-box challenge.  I managed to increase my ring dip pushups from 39 to 52. My boobs (pecs) are so stiff today; it hurts putting on a bra. The next challenge was a power snatch burpee combo - 10 snatches & then 10 burpees.  You have 7 minutes to complete as many rounds as you can - 6 extra reps this time round!

The power snatch works your upper back & it is especially good for your shoulders as it aggressively works the muscles that rotate the shoulders, and because you use a wider grip it also works the hamstrings, glutes & lower back muscles. It's also a much faster lift than the clean so it's good for improving your jumping ability.  Most importantly, it’s just really fun to say the word snatch in public & make crude jokes.

Officially back on the wagon yesterday after the horror of "The Weekend" - felt real good. We made the most amazing Quinoa salad that consisted of quinoa, bacon(!), yellow pepper, almonds & macadamia nuts, broccoli, cherry tomatoes & Greek yoghurt (the double fat kind).  After the previous very bland attempt this was a 100% improvement & will definitely be made again. 

Remember to follow K&C on Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest | Bloglovin

Night all!

Monday, 9 December 2013

Crash n Burn

~ Outlandish ~

The events that transcribed over the last 2 days can not even be described as "falling off the wagon". It was spectacular the amount of food & drinks I had weekend. And I wasn't even sad or upset about something. There might have been a bit of boredom eating yesterday, but I was taking a humongous rest day anyway, so it fitted with the theme.

On Friday night we had our Crossfit end year function which was healthy for the most part. Until the champagne, strawberries/marshmallows & melted chocolate came out - then all 30 athletes collectively decided that it will now be declared a "cheat day".  

Saturday was the fabulous baby shower for Mrs T, classy & fun & so many nice eats. Hmm, perhaps I should look into event planning as a career... I loved being there because it was for a friend & I had so much fun arranging & helping out, but I really don't get showers. Why do women's uteruses go all rubbery when they see baby clothes? Another thing you need to know about me: I'm about 94% sure I don't want kids.
Sunday I vegged in front of the computer arranging series & re watching all my old favorites (Sherlock, anyone?). I don't think I even got out of my pajamas. Not even when we went to the Spur at 21:00 for milkshakes.
Aaand today was our work end year function. I think I drank enough to make Ms Nicola proud (it started very early). Even ended up having some on the rocks with the older gentleman at our office (as in my grandfather's age - there's absolutely no eye candy where I work) while they regaled me of their tales of knighthood & chivalry. Luckily there were no photocopy machines in the area and no one got lost with a colleague in a dark corner.

So tomorrow we start again. Hopefully that was the last of the functions till the craziness of Christmas day. Seriously, I don't get why people go out of their way to cook 5 course meals - surely that is not what the day is about?
At Crossfit we have started our re-testing for our in-box challenge. About a month or so ago we completed 7 events and now we have to redo them to see if we have improved. I am happy to say that I've increased my front squat by 10kg - I'm now on 87kg's (tried 90 - just couldn't get it up). And in the front squat (on a lower weight) / barbell facing burpee challenge I bettered my score by 8 reps. I'm really happy to see growth in such a short time.
The beautiful Christmas Abbot doing front squats.
Yeah, I didn't even bother with photos today. It was bad. Bad. I'm just happy that I managed to go to class (only slightly buzzed) even after the horrendous day of food & drinking - hopefully the exercise will make me feel marginally better when tomorrow comes... I always seem to forget how I feel the morning after.

Night all!

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Work (Part 2)

~ Jimmy Eat World ~

I think my fascination with archeology was fueled by watching Indiana Jones over & over during the school holidays.  Then when I discovered computer games Lara Croft & her tomb raiding just stamped it in further.

I'm not naive - I know that archeology (especially in SA) is probably is boring as it comes....fossils, ape people, cave drawings.  This is probably the point where I should let you know that I have an majorly overactive imagination, I can daydream like there's no tomorrow and dreams are as vivid as they come. I can make up a scenario, fall asleep with it, dream about it, wake up & then continue that dream. So when I think archeology I think adventure & long lost treasure & magic.

That is why I love reading so much. I finished the Lord of the Rings saga when I was 10, I've reread my Terry Pratchetts till they are dog-eared and I've probably read thousands of books since. And when I found Andy McDermott's series that chronicles the adventures of archaeologist Nina Wilde and her husband, ex-SAS soldier Eddie Chase (with a British accent to boot and you can bet I read every line in that accent), I was in 7th heaven...archeology, dry wit, adventure - the whole deal.

I don't know who the artist is, but the fact that there is a person out there that can see book characters the way I see them makes me a very happy person...
There was a time that I wanted to be this guy as well. Travel the world & experience different cultures? Yes, please!

Ian Wright - Lonely Planet / Globe Trekker

But all these dreams doesn't help me find my dream job. Do I drop everything & go look for adventure? Or do I just suck it up, work 8 - 5, earn my paycheck & read my books? Do you at some point just accept that those dreams are only dreams? I wonder if you can read books & get paid...

Last night's work out kicked my ass. My knees are blue from the burpees, my hands are raw from the pull-ups and yeah, tomorrow morning I'm going back for more.

Looks like tomorrow there will be double-unders, so I will be able to add some whip marks to the collection. Seriously, I'm going to create an album just with photos of my sport related battle scars.

Food wise I'm doing 95% well. I've got MyFitnessPal mostly sorted out & it's becoming easier to add food to my daily diary.  I still prefer taking the photos because visually seeing what you ate (and drank) makes quite a difference.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Work (Part 1)

~ Jimmy Eat World ~ 
(This post became a bit to long, so it'll be split over two days)

Confucius said, "Find a job you enjoy, and you'll never work a day in your life." He might have said this - I didn't fact check. Anyway, I don't think that's entirely true - even dream jobs can have bad days, but it probably sucks a lot less then a bad day at a crap job.

As children we are told life is an immense journey and that anything you put your mind to is possible. Our minds were filled with dreams & how we were going to take over the world - I was going to be the best vet/hairdresser (human or pet) ever. We wanted to be ninjas or rock stars, write novels or make films. We wanted to go to Mars & find the face...well, I did at least. 
Then life hits you in the face (like a wall ball).  What happened to that dream of becoming a world renowned poodle hairdresser I was so passionate about?  The obvious answer is that we grew up & the dreams were slowly overshadowed with life, bills and reality. So we sacrifice our dreams for some vague idea of “success” or “security.” Get a decent job, with a decent salary, some benefits, and a cool title. Being a ninja became impractical.

Some of us know immediately what we want to do when we grow up. Some (like me) are still trying to figure it out.  Others (also like me) have tried a career or two, and then went on to do something completely different. I don’t believe I’m the only one confused about their place in this world

I always told myself that I would hate sitting in an office. And that is exactly what I've been doing for the last 10 years. I want to travel & dig shit up. No, not actual shit, stuff...things (more on this later) and that is just not possible if I want a decent roof over my head, a medical aid, a box membership, and perhaps some money when I retire one day. Oh, and food. Am I doing the responsible thing, heck yeah...but some day's it sucks balls being responsible.

Now my dream job would be - and don't you dare scoff - an archeologist, specifically, an Egyptologist. This won out over an ufologist & a cryptozoologist - yeah, for a while there I couldn't decide between finding the next big Pharaoh, deciphering Rosswell's secrets or proving that Nessie really exists. More on this tomorrow.

Tonight we worked on front squats, push jerks, chest to bar pull-up's & burpees. With front squats the quads are working a whole lot more, since you are sitting down, not sitting back.  It's also helps you develop a strong core as it requires your back to be as vertical as possible so that you don't land on your face.

The push press is quite a bad ass move.  You can handle 10-20% more weight with the push press than with the regular overhead press because you’re basically using your whole body to get it up there. The main muscles worked are your shoulders & triceps, but you also work your quadriceps, glutes and hamstrings. Your abs & lower back muscles also have to work to keep you stable.

Pull-ups are one of the most basic exercises, but definitely not one of the easiest. Hanging on a bar and lifting your entire body weight is a challange to many & a pipe-dream for some. They are a fantastic way to build upper body strength fast:  it increases arm, back, & abdominal strength as well as hand and finger strength.

All you need to know about burpees is that they suck. 
And there's nothing like a "almost puked" workout to kick your appitite into overdrive - I was so hungry when I got home.  I had a double dose of whey & berries & supper. Happy now :)
Remnants of the flu still pop up every now & again - Vit C all the way...

Remember to follow K&C on Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest | Bloglovin. Night all!