Thursday, 12 December 2013

Writing in the Margins (Part 2)

~ still John Gorka ~ 
Continuing with yesterday's topic: Blogging. Blogging takes time, commitment, & discipline. I have to keep my ears open for topics, remind myself 3 bites into a meal that I have to take a photo of this, set aside time to look for very humorous pics relating to said topic (face it, we all know you are only here for the pictures) & then put it all together at the end of the day.  

Why do I blog? Simply because I enjoy it - it keeps me on track in my life journey.  It's my time, energy & view on all sorts of different thing, that I put on paper & then offer to the world to read.  It serves as my personal journal & a digital record of my life.  
One of the reasons I started this blog is so that I could go off on random curse-filled rants about things that are only important to me.  But somedays it's difficult - I feel that I should do more than just rant about a mad Christmas shoppers, I'm supposed to say Important Things & talk about Important Issues. But seriously, life isn't all doom & gloom & drama everyday. Somedays are just boring. I wake up, I work, I sleep. Guess what, you're still gonna hear about it.

A weird thing that happens when you blog is that you'll try to live a more intentional life.  Once you start writing about yourself & your journey & thoughts, you start thinking about who you are as a person & whether you like that person. Also, blogging will help you meet new people - whether through comments, Facebook or their own blogs.  So far the blogging community has been friendly, encouraging & genuinely cheering for me to succeed. I honestly love every comment, personal message or "like" that I receive - I find encouragement in that feedback.

And you realize quickly that even if just one person can relate to your journey you have something to offer. I'm in no way suggesting that my writing is exceptionally good to begin with and that it’s worth your time & effort to read, it's just nice to know that I might help someone with a question they've been struggling with or give inspiration where needed.

Tonight it was handstands, tuck-sits & snatches. Although my handstand time didn't increase, I now at least have the courage to kick up into a handstand position without the security of the wall behind my - i.e. I've got comfortable with falling. Tuck-sit I almost doubled (27 secs to 42 secs) and power snatches I increased from 17kg to 28kg. This is one movement with wich I struggle incredibly; a normal back/front squat is no problem, but as soon as you have to lock out that weight above you AND squat it becomes a problem.
Day 2 on the wagon - all is well.

Remember to follow K&C on Google+ | Facebook | Pinterest | Bloglovin

Go kick today's butt!


  1. I so get that pic of the chick who is excited about someone reading her blog. I wish everyone would leave a bloody comment.

    1. True!! I think I've got the crazy eyes down pat as well :P
