Monday 4 November 2013

Explain it

~ Moved Out West ~ [...Never heard of them, but it fits...]

We had lunch with my dad & gran yesterday, and once again I was forced to explain what Crossfit is. Have you tried it? No, not Crossfit, explaining what it is... And not to fitness nuts like yourself...oh no...try to explain it to your 80 year old grannie who keeps interrupting you to say that she used to make tea for the weightlifters when she was younger...

I haven't been Crossfitting for long, but even if you live CrossFit how do you describe it to people who don't have a clue? I mean, no one is going to stand there & read from the CrossFit Journal. But you can't be so brief & vague in your description that you make it sound like every other fitness program out there. 

The standard definition is: Constantly varied, functional movements performed at a relatively high intensity - the pic below demonstrates it quite nicely. One of my other favorites are: "This shit gets you in shape fast, gets you strong and keeps you that way, quite simple. It isn't easy, but it works..."

Halfway through explaining it to them I gave up and just showed them the official Crossfit video [Granny: "Which one are you?"].

On a lighter note, Urban Dictionary describes CrossFit as follows: "A bunch of rich white people paying $250/month to have an uncredentialed coach instruct them to have spasms with PVC pipes and seizures on pull-up bars until they vomit. They generally do this for a period of 10-30 minutes and call it a workout. Those who partake in these group activities also have the option to pay $1000 to attend a weekend course where they have an alcoholic instruct them how to better lift their PVC pipe. Some people who do these activities may also confuse being nauseous with being elite."

This weekend was spent playing Battlefield 4 and drinking lots of coffee :)

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1 comment:

  1. I've had to explain to a smoker why I chose to quit smoking. That was not easy. And that is indeed a lot of coffee.
