Wednesday 23 October 2013

Breaking the habit

~ Linkin Park~

Like lyrics that get stuck in your head all day (eyyy macarena - you are welcome), bad habits are easy to pick up and nearly impossible to shake, especially if you've practiced them for years.

We've all said “I need to try harder this time”. It is not about trying harder, but breaking (or changing) that bad habit. 

Remember how overwhelming it was learning how to drive? Now I don't even think twice about it (that's why boyfriend refuses to let me drive - wuss). The same goes for checking Facebook every five minutes or checking my phone every time it buzzes. 

The interwebs says in order to build better habits you have to reduce the amount of brainpower required to complete good habits and make it an effort to complete bad habits. Basically - make it easy for yourself to choose the right thing, make it hard for yourself to choose the bad thing, and over time you'll have that shit down to a T!

Apparently our brains look for the path of least resistance when doing any activity, and the more you complete an activity on a regular basis, the less and less brainpower is required.

That's one reason why I don’t keep junk food in the house (it's definitely not because I only eat healthy foods).  I know that if I have it in the house I will not be able to stop myself from eating all of it. On weekends we'll eat takeouts, drink fuzzy pink drinks & beer, but for the other 90% of the week I know I need to surround myself with healthy options. It’s a lot tougher to binge on crap at 9pm when your only options are nuts & nut butter.  

Sometimes when there are leftovers from a party I will catch myself mindlessly picking at it every time I walk past. Most of the time I realize what I'm doing and in a split second decision (because sometimes the binge-er in me wins) I throw it all in the bin. I have never been desperate enough to take it out & eat further...

So make it easy for yourself to choose the right thing, and after a while it will become a habit!

We did an amazing crossfit workout tonight. After never having done front squats before (I've only done back squats), I found out that my 1 rep max at the moment is 77kg. Was quite chuffed about that :)  Then we did a routine that involved squat clean push jerks, 120 skips & 15 pull-ups. My shoulders are gonna be amazing at the end of this year!

Food wise I managed to have a good day.

Sleep well!

BTW - how awesome was Linkin Park when they were in SA last year. Anyone of you go?

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